Support Us With Donations

ValvaBox Media ( is a company powered by revenue generated from advertising. We make all our services free, accessible without any payment or login, we keep the site updated as much as we can and we are constantly working towards re-modifying our website so that you and other visitors can find all you are looking for faster and with ease.

How do we generate income?

We make a little amount of money from those adverts you see on our website, we certainly DO NOT make money from your views, download and data subscription since your experience on this website is of importance to us, we have decided to remove all intrusive adverts.

It’s a collective effort, so we implore you to donate as little as you can, as soon as we receive as much as possible because we need money to maintain and pay for our servers and other resources needed for this site to run smoothly.

We will make a list of everyone who supported us in this course, add them to our hall of fame and focus more on how to serve you much better.

Support Us With Donations

How do I donate now?

So below are our available means you can Donate to Playremixsongs to keep the site running. Thanks and keep sharing 

Bitcoin - 3QAktCBiUQd9L6ei8Z4n4bMNSzcDsKE59L

Ethereum - 0x616e5abD645070BEc75BbD1A38d887D86A92c209

Paypal - [email protected]

Webmoney Z - Z435987367106


2. Email to [email protected] to request for your own supported/preferred payment method Via Mail.

To help us facilitate proper documentation and also for our special thanks, send us details after donation to [email protected], you can also choose to remain anonymous. Thanks!